Friday, March 6, 2020

Life Mantras to Get You Through Your Internship

Life Mantras to Get You Through Your Internship Image via 1. Put your best foot forward Putting your best foot forward means to put your best self out there and give it your all. Don’t let boring duties sap away at your liveliness and initial excitement at having landed your internship. Always have a smile, do your best work, and put your best self out there for the world to see when you’re on duty. That way, you’ll always be able to tell yourself that you still worked extremely hard at this internship, no matter how trivial your duties might seem. 2. Don’t give up Never give up on your internship! Chances are that you worked incredibly hard to get your internship. Now, you should work even harder to make sure you do a great job at it. It might seem like the best thing to do is to just quit, but weigh your options. Is having that experience important for you? If so, don’t’ give up! 3. Whistle while you work Just like fairytale princess Snow White, whistling while you work will help to take your mind off the sometimes mundane tasks an intern might be asked to do. Whistling may not be possible for you to do in your work setting, so you might have to find an alternative. What is something you do to help you pass the time? 4. Things are going to get easier Often, the first couple of weeks for an intern are rough. You’re initially finding your groove and the best way to work. You are getting used to your coworkers and your new work environment. It’s a lot of things to take in all at once. Interns can easily get overwhelmed. That’s why you should continue to remind yourself that things are going to get easier. It’s not always going to feel like you’re walking into a battlefield when you go to your internship. Eventually, you’ll find your way of working and get comfortable. 5. Brighter days ahead On the other hand, some internship experiences are just awful. If this happens to be the case with your internship, remind yourself that you won’t be here forever. Fortunately, the experience on your resume will be. 6. No pain, no gain This is one I tell myself when I really don’t want to do something, but I know it’s going to bring about great things. The same can be applied to a difficult internship experience. If you want the skills, you’re going to have to work for it. Remind yourself of this! 7. Build yourself up Throughout the day, give yourself internal compliments. Compliment yourself on completing a task on time. Compliment yourself for being innovative and figuring out a new tactic for your employer to use in the company. Every little thing; make sure it gets acknowledged by yourself, even if others don’t seem to notice. 8. This too shall pass Sometimes, internship just aren’t what you think they’re going to be. That’s when you tell yourself that this internship is just a stoplight on the way to your real destination! 9. Overcome your obstacles to reach your goals The difficulties you’re facing now and working to overcome will make you a stronger person. You will carry the things you’re learning in this internship with you in the future. Even if it doesn’t seem like you’re getting anything out of being an intern at a particular company, you are still learning lessons 10. It will all be worth it The most important thing to tell yourself: all of this will be worth it. It may seem like a daunting task right now, but your time as an intern here will be worth it in the long run. Just you wait! I hope that these life mantras to remember will help you to get through your internship. Always keep your head up and strive for the very best in an internship. Good luck!

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